Code of conduct.

At Ace, we are committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all students, instructors, and staff. Our code of conduct outlines the behaviors and expectations that help us maintain a positive atmosphere in our studio. We expect all members of our dance community to adhere to these principles.

Respect for Others

Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy. We celebrate diversity and expect all individuals to be treated equally, regardless of their race, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation, or background.
Respect for Tutors
Show respect and listen attentively to our instructors. They are here to help you grow as a dancer.
Respect for Studio
Property Take care of the studio and its equipment. Any damage to studio property must be reported immediately

Safety First
Prioritize safety during all dance activities. Follow instructor guidelines, warm-up properly and use appropriate dancewear and footwear.
Health and Hygiene
Maintain good personal hygiene and wear clean dance attire. Do not attend class if you’re feeling unwell, and ollow any studio health and safety guidelines, especially during health crises.

Discipline and Punctuality
Arrive on time for classes and rehearsals. Being punctual helps maintain a smooth flow of activities.
Attend classes regularly and practice outside of class as required for your level and commitment.

Open Communication
If you have concerns or questions, feel free to communicate with us. We value open, respectful and constructive communication.
Social Media
Be mindful of what you post on social media platforms about Ace. Represent the studio positively and avoid any negative or harmful comments.

Violation of Code
Violation of this code of conduct may result in strikes or removal of classes.

Payment Responsibility
Pay term fees promptly and in accordance with the studios payment schedule. Failure to pay fees may result in removal of class.